Can Pottery Go in the Microwave: Unveiling the Truth

Pottery has long been cherished for its beauty, functionality, and versatility. From delicate porcelain teacups to sturdy stoneware bowls, pottery finds its place in our homes and everyday lives. On the other hand, microwave ovens have become an essential kitchen appliance, revolutionizing the way we cook and reheat food. But what happens when these two worlds collide? Can pottery go in the microwave?

In this comprehensive blog post, we will delve deep into the topic of microwave safety for pottery. We will explore the intricacies of pottery composition, the working principles of microwave ovens, and the factors that determine whether pottery is microwave-safe or not. By the end of this article, you will have a thorough understanding of the compatibility between pottery and microwaves, enabling you to make informed decisions when it comes to using pottery in your microwave.

Before we dive into the details, let’s take a moment to understand the significance of this topic. Many pottery enthusiasts and users are often unsure whether their beloved pottery pieces can safely go in the microwave. The risks of using incompatible materials in the microwave range from potential damage to the pottery itself to even safety hazards, such as breakage or release of harmful substances. Therefore, it is crucial to gain clarity on this matter to ensure both the longevity of our pottery and our well-being.

To begin our exploration, let’s first understand the composition of pottery. Pottery refers to objects made from clay that are permanently hardened or fired. It can be broadly categorized into earthenware, stoneware, and porcelain, each with its own characteristics and compositions. Clay is the primary material used in pottery making, but other materials like feldspar, silica, and various minerals are often added to enhance its properties. The combination of these materials, along with the firing process and glazing, determines the microwave compatibility of pottery.

On the other hand, microwave ovens operate by emitting electromagnetic waves that excite water molecules in food, thereby generating heat. However, not all materials can withstand the intense heat and energy generated by microwaves. This brings us to the question: can pottery go in the microwave? The answer depends on various factors, including the porosity, glaze composition, thickness, and density of the pottery item.

In the upcoming sections, we will explore these factors in detail, providing you with a comprehensive understanding of microwave safety for pottery. We will also discuss the microwave oven operation and safety, identify microwave-safe pottery, and delve into testing methods to determine the compatibility of pottery with microwaves. Additionally, we will explore alternative microwave-safe options and precautions to take when using pottery in the microwave.

By the end of this blog post, you will not only have a clear answer to the question “Can pottery go in the microwave?” but also gain valuable insights into the best practices and guidelines for using pottery safely in your microwave. So, let’s embark on this journey together as we uncover the truth behind the compatibility of pottery and microwaves.

Understanding Pottery and its Composition

Pottery is an ancient art form that dates back thousands of years. It involves shaping clay into various forms, such as bowls, plates, vases, and sculptures, and then firing them at high temperatures to create a durable and beautiful finished product. The composition of pottery plays a vital role in determining its suitability for microwaving.

To understand the compatibility of pottery with microwaves, it’s important to first grasp the different types of pottery and their compositions. The three main categories of pottery are earthenware, stoneware, and porcelain.

Earthenware is the oldest and most porous type of pottery. It is made from clay that is fired at relatively low temperatures, typically between 1,000 and 1,200 degrees Celsius (1,832 and 2,192 degrees Fahrenheit). Due to its high porosity, earthenware is not generally recommended for use in the microwave, as it tends to absorb moisture from food, which can cause it to become hot and potentially crack or break.

Stoneware is a dense and durable type of pottery that is fired at higher temperatures, typically between 1,200 and 1,400 degrees Celsius (2,192 and 2,552 degrees Fahrenheit). It is less porous than earthenware and has a higher density, making it more suitable for microwave use. However, not all stoneware is microwave-safe, as the glaze used on the pottery can impact its compatibility with microwaves.

Porcelain is a type of pottery known for its delicate and translucent appearance. It is fired at even higher temperatures, usually above 1,300 degrees Celsius (2,372 degrees Fahrenheit). Porcelain is typically non-porous and has a low water absorption rate, making it generally safe for use in the microwave. However, certain types of porcelain may still contain metallic elements or glazes that are not microwave-safe, so it’s important to check the manufacturer’s recommendations.

In addition to the type of pottery, the materials used in its composition also play a significant role in determining its compatibility with microwaves. Clay is the primary ingredient, but other materials, such as feldspar and silica, are often added to enhance its properties. These additional materials can affect the pottery’s ability to withstand the heat and energy generated by microwaves.

The firing process is another crucial factor in pottery composition. The temperature and duration of the firing process can impact the density, strength, and porosity of the pottery. Higher firing temperatures usually result in denser and more durable pottery, while lower firing temperatures can result in a more porous and fragile material.

Moreover, the glaze applied to the pottery can also affect its microwave compatibility. Glazes are thin layers of glass-like material that are applied to the surface of pottery to enhance its appearance, protect it from stains, and make it easier to clean. Some glazes are specifically formulated to be microwave-safe, while others may contain metallic elements or chemicals that could cause reactions or sparks in the microwave.

In summary, understanding the composition of pottery is essential in determining its compatibility with microwaves. Factors such as the type of pottery, materials used, firing process, and glaze composition all contribute to whether pottery can safely go in the microwave. In the following sections, we will explore these factors in more detail and provide you with the knowledge you need to make informed decisions about using pottery in your microwave.

Microwave Oven Operation and Safety

Microwave ovens have become an indispensable appliance in modern kitchens, offering convenience and efficiency in heating and cooking food. Understanding how these appliances work is crucial to ensure their safe and effective use, as well as to comprehend the potential risks associated with using incompatible materials in the microwave.

Microwave ovens operate by emitting electromagnetic waves, specifically microwaves, which have a frequency range of approximately 2.45 gigahertz. These microwaves are absorbed by water molecules, fats, and sugars present in food, causing them to vibrate and generate heat. As a result, the food is heated from within, allowing for quick and efficient cooking or reheating.

The interior of a microwave oven is equipped with a magnetron, a device that generates and emits microwaves. These microwaves are then distributed throughout the oven cavity by a stirrer fan or a rotating turntable, ensuring even and consistent heating. The microwaves penetrate the food, exciting the water molecules and rapidly increasing their kinetic energy, which leads to the generation of heat.

While microwave ovens are generally safe to use, it is essential to adhere to certain precautions and guidelines to prevent accidents or damage. One common misconception is that microwaves heat food from the inside out. In reality, microwaves heat food unevenly, with the outer layers often heating faster than the inner portions. This is why it is necessary to stir or rotate food during the cooking process to ensure even heating and avoid hot spots.

Another misconception is that microwaves can cause harmful radiation. Microwave ovens are designed with safety measures in place to prevent the leakage of microwaves. The oven is equipped with a metal mesh or a conductive film on the glass door, which acts as a barrier to contain the microwaves within the oven cavity. Additionally, all microwave ovens go through rigorous testing and certification processes to ensure they meet safety standards and limit radiation leakage to safe levels.

However, it is still important to exercise caution when using microwave ovens, especially when it comes to the materials used. Certain materials, such as metal or aluminum foil, can cause sparks or fires in the microwave. Metals reflect microwaves and can cause intense sparking and overheating, leading to potential damage or even fire hazards. It is crucial to avoid using metal utensils, aluminum foil, or any other materials that are not explicitly labeled as microwave-safe.

In addition to metal, certain types of pottery or ceramics that are not microwave-safe can also pose risks when used in the microwave. The intense heat and energy generated by microwaves can cause incompatible pottery to crack, break, or release harmful substances into food. Therefore, it is essential to understand the compatibility of pottery with microwaves and follow the manufacturer’s recommendations to ensure safe usage.

To further ensure microwave safety, it is advisable to follow the guidelines provided by the microwave oven manufacturer. These guidelines may include recommendations for specific cooking times, power settings, and safe materials to use in the microwave. By adhering to these guidelines, you can minimize the risks associated with microwave usage and enjoy the convenience and efficiency that these appliances offer.

In the next section, we will delve deeper into the potential risks of using incompatible materials in the microwave and explore the safety guidelines provided by microwave manufacturers. Understanding these risks and following the recommended safety practices will enable you to make informed decisions when it comes to using pottery in the microwave and ensure the well-being of both yourself and your kitchen appliances.

Microwave-Safe Pottery and Testing Methods

Determining whether a particular piece of pottery is safe to use in the microwave can be a challenging task, as it requires understanding the composition of the pottery and assessing its compatibility with the intense heat and energy generated by microwaves. In this section, we will explore how to identify microwave-safe pottery and discuss various testing methods that can help ensure the safety of using pottery in the microwave.

Identifying Microwave-Safe Pottery

One way to determine the microwave compatibility of pottery is to look for specific labels or symbols indicating that the piece is microwave-safe. Some pottery manufacturers provide clear labeling on their products to indicate their suitability for microwave use. These labels may state “Microwave-Safe” or feature a microwave symbol, often resembling wavy lines or a stylized microwave icon. If you come across such labels or symbols on your pottery, it is an indication that the piece has been tested and deemed safe for use in the microwave.

However, it is important to note that not all pottery may have explicit microwave-safe labeling. In such cases, it is advisable to consult the manufacturer’s recommendations or contact them directly to inquire about the microwave compatibility of the specific pottery item. They can provide valuable insights into the materials used, the glaze composition, and any specific guidelines for using their pottery in the microwave.

Testing Pottery for Microwave Compatibility

If your pottery does not have microwave-safe labeling or if you want to be extra cautious, there are various testing methods available to assess its compatibility with microwaves. These methods can help you determine whether the pottery will withstand the heat and energy generated by the microwave without cracking, breaking, or releasing harmful substances.

1. Techniques for Testing Pottery at Home

One simple method for testing pottery at home is the “Hot Water Test.” Fill a microwave-safe container with hot water and place it inside the pottery item you want to test. Microwave the water and pottery for a short duration, typically around one minute. After microwaving, carefully remove the pottery and feel its surface. If the pottery is cool to the touch or only slightly warm, it is likely microwave-safe. However, if it feels excessively hot or if you notice any cracks or changes in the appearance of the pottery, it is best to avoid using it in the microwave.

Another technique is the “Microwave-Safe Dish Test.” Place a microwave-safe dish or container filled with water in the microwave alongside the pottery item you want to test. Microwave both the dish and the pottery for a short duration, usually around two minutes. After microwaving, carefully remove the dish and pottery, and compare their temperatures. If the pottery is significantly hotter than the dish, it may not be microwave-safe.

While these home testing methods can provide some insights, they are not foolproof. It is important to note that microwave ovens vary in power and performance, so the results of these tests may not be consistent across different microwaves. Therefore, if you are unsure about the microwave compatibility of your pottery, it is recommended to consult with professionals who can provide more accurate assessments.

2. Professional Testing Services and Certifications

Professional testing services and certifications can provide more reliable and accurate results when it comes to determining the microwave compatibility of pottery. These services employ specialized equipment and techniques to assess the pottery’s ability to withstand the heat and energy generated by microwaves.

One such certification is the “Microwave-Safe Certification” offered by certain testing laboratories or organizations. These certifications involve subjecting the pottery to rigorous testing procedures to evaluate its resistance to cracking, breaking, and harmful substance release. If a pottery item has received a microwave-safe certification, it provides assurance that the piece has undergone thorough testing and meets the necessary safety standards for microwave use.

Additionally, some pottery manufacturers may conduct their own testing or work with independent laboratories to ensure the microwave safety of their products. They may provide specific information or certifications on their packaging or website to communicate the microwave compatibility of their pottery.

In conclusion, identifying microwave-safe pottery can be done through labeling, symbols, or manufacturer’s recommendations. However, if there is no explicit indication of microwave safety, performing home tests like the hot water test or the microwave-safe dish test can provide some insights. For more reliable results, professional testing services and certifications are recommended. These methods will help ensure the safety and suitability of using pottery in the microwave, allowing you to enjoy your favorite pottery pieces without any concerns.

Alternatives and Precautions for Using Pottery in the Microwave

While using pottery in the microwave can be a convenient and practical option, it is essential to consider alternatives and take necessary precautions to ensure both the safety of the pottery and the well-being of the users. In this section, we will explore alternative microwave-safe options to pottery and discuss the precautions you should take when using pottery in the microwave.

Microwave-Safe Alternatives to Pottery

If you are uncertain about the microwave compatibility of your pottery or simply prefer to err on the side of caution, there are several alternative materials that are known to be microwave-safe. These alternatives provide you with options to heat or cook your food without compromising safety or risking damage to your pottery.

1. Glass and Ceramic Microwave-Safe Containers: Glass and ceramic containers specifically labeled as microwave-safe are excellent alternatives to pottery. These containers are designed to withstand the heat and energy generated by microwaves and are less likely to crack or break. Glass dishes, bowls, and storage containers are widely available and offer a transparent advantage, allowing you to monitor the heating or cooking process. Similarly, ceramic dishes made from microwave-safe materials can be used with confidence in the microwave.

2. Silicone and Microwave-Safe Plastics: Silicone and certain types of microwave-safe plastics are also suitable for microwave use. Silicone is a flexible and heat-resistant material that can withstand high temperatures without melting or releasing harmful substances. It is commonly used in microwave-safe baking mats, lids, and food storage containers. When using microwave-safe plastics, ensure that they are specifically labeled as such, as not all plastic materials are suitable for microwave use.

These microwave-safe alternatives provide you with a range of options to heat, cook, or store your food in a safe and convenient manner. However, it is important to note that each material has its own limitations, so it is advisable to follow the manufacturer’s recommendations and guidelines for optimal usage.

Precautions for Using Pottery in the Microwave

If you choose to use pottery in the microwave, there are certain precautions and best practices you should adhere to in order to minimize risks and ensure the safety of both the pottery and the microwave oven.

1. Guidelines for Reheating Food in Pottery: When using pottery to reheat food in the microwave, it is important to follow a few guidelines for safe and effective heating. Firstly, ensure that the pottery is microwave-safe by checking for appropriate labels or symbols. Secondly, avoid using pottery with metallic decorations or glazes containing metallic elements, as these can cause sparks or potential damage. Thirdly, cover the food with a microwave-safe lid or microwave-safe plastic wrap to prevent splatters and retain moisture. Finally, stir or rotate the food periodically during the reheating process to ensure even heating and avoid hot spots.

2. Microwave-Safe Practices for Pottery Users: As a pottery user, there are certain practices you can adopt to ensure the safe use of pottery in the microwave. Firstly, handle pottery with care to avoid accidental drops or impacts that could lead to breakage. Secondly, avoid sudden temperature changes, such as transferring pottery directly from the freezer to the microwave, as this can cause thermal shock and potentially lead to cracking or breakage. Thirdly, always use oven mitts or pot holders when handling hot pottery to prevent burns or injuries. Lastly, regularly inspect your pottery for any signs of damage, such as cracks or chips, and refrain from using it in the microwave if any issues are detected.

Addressing Common Concerns and Questions about Pottery in the Microwave

There are often common concerns and questions regarding the use of pottery in the microwave. Let’s address a few of them:

1. Does microwave heating affect pottery aesthetics? Microwaving pottery generally does not affect its aesthetics, such as color or glaze. However, it is important to note that the heat generated during microwaving can cause the pottery to become hot, which may affect how you handle it. Additionally, if pottery is overheated or subjected to extreme temperature changes, it may develop cracks or other visible damage that can impact its appearance.

2. Can microwaving pottery lead to breakage or damage? The microwave heating process can potentially cause incompatible pottery to crack, break, or even shatter due to the intense heat and energy. It is essential to ensure that the pottery you use in the microwave is microwave-safe and meets the necessary requirements for withstanding microwave use.

3. Can pottery release harmful substances when heated in the microwave? In general, microwave-safe pottery should not release harmful substances when heated in the microwave. However, pottery that is not microwave-safe or contains glazes with metallic elements or other unsafe materials may release harmful substances or cause reactions. It is crucial to use only microwave-safe pottery and follow the manufacturer’s recommendations to avoid any potential health hazards.

By considering these alternatives and taking necessary precautions, you can enjoy the convenience of using pottery in the microwave while prioritizing safety. Whether you opt for microwave-safe glass, ceramic, silicone, or plastics, or choose to use pottery with caution, following these guidelines will help you make informed decisions and create a safe environment for microwave usage.


In this comprehensive blog post, we have explored the question, “Can pottery go in the microwave?” We have delved into the composition of pottery, the operation and safety of microwave ovens, and the factors that determine the compatibility of pottery with microwaves. We have also discussed the identification of microwave-safe pottery, testing methods, alternative options to pottery, and precautions to take when using pottery in the microwave.

It is clear that not all pottery is suitable for microwave use. The type of pottery, materials used in its composition, firing process, and glaze composition all play a crucial role in determining its compatibility with microwaves. It is important to understand the specific microwave safety guidelines provided by pottery manufacturers and to look for microwave-safe labeling or symbols on pottery items. If uncertain, various testing methods can be employed, either at home or through professional services, to assess the microwave compatibility of pottery.

In the absence of microwave-safe pottery or to exercise an abundance of caution, there are alternative materials available that are known to be microwave-safe. Glass and ceramic containers specifically labeled as microwave-safe, as well as silicone and certain types of microwave-safe plastics, provide viable options for heating or cooking food. Following the recommended guidelines for reheating food in pottery and adopting safe practices as a pottery user can further ensure the safe use of pottery in the microwave.

It is important to address common concerns and questions regarding pottery in the microwave, such as the impact on pottery aesthetics, potential breakage or damage, and the release of harmful substances. By using microwave-safe pottery and following the necessary precautions, the risks associated with using pottery in the microwave can be minimized, allowing you to enjoy the convenience and beauty of pottery without compromising safety.

In conclusion, the compatibility of pottery with microwaves requires careful consideration and understanding. By being informed about the composition of pottery, the operation and safety of microwave ovens, and following the recommended guidelines, you can confidently make choices that prioritize both the well-being of your pottery and your own safety. So go ahead, enjoy your favorite pottery pieces in the microwave, or explore alternative microwave-safe options to enhance your culinary experiences. Stay safe, and may your microwave and pottery coexist harmoniously in your kitchen!

Disclaimer: This blog post is intended for informational purposes only. The information provided is based on research and general knowledge about pottery and microwave safety. It is always recommended to follow the specific guidelines and recommendations provided by pottery manufacturers and microwave oven manufacturers.

Addressing Common Concerns and Questions about Pottery in the Microwave

As we have explored the topic of using pottery in the microwave, it is common for individuals to have additional concerns and questions. Let’s address some of the frequently asked questions and provide further insights to ensure a comprehensive understanding.

1. Does microwaving pottery affect its aesthetics? Microwaving pottery should not significantly impact its aesthetics, such as color or glaze. However, it is important to handle microwaved pottery with care, as it can become hot during the process. Additionally, extreme temperature changes or overheating can potentially cause visible damage to the pottery, affecting its appearance.

2. Can microwaving pottery lead to breakage or damage? Microwave heating can potentially cause incompatible pottery to crack, break, or even shatter due to the intense heat and energy. It is crucial to ensure that the pottery used in the microwave is microwave-safe and capable of withstanding the heat generated during the process.

3. Can pottery release harmful substances when heated in the microwave? In general, microwave-safe pottery should not release harmful substances when heated in the microwave. However, pottery that is not designated as microwave-safe or contains unsafe glazes may release harmful substances or cause reactions. It is crucial to use only microwave-safe pottery and follow the manufacturer’s recommendations to avoid any potential health hazards.

4. Can pottery absorb microwave energy and cause uneven heating? Pottery that is microwave-safe and properly designed should not significantly absorb microwave energy. The microwaves primarily interact with the water molecules in the food, causing them to vibrate and generate heat. However, it is important to stir or rotate the food during the heating process to ensure even distribution of heat and avoid potential hot spots.

5. Can microwaving pottery affect its durability or longevity? Microwave heating, when done properly with microwave-safe pottery, should not significantly impact the durability or longevity of the pottery. However, it is crucial to follow the recommended guidelines and avoid subjecting pottery to extreme temperature changes or overheating, as these factors can potentially weaken the material over time.

By addressing these common concerns and questions, we aim to provide a comprehensive understanding of the topic and ensure that you can confidently make informed decisions regarding the use of pottery in the microwave. It is important to prioritize safety, follow the manufacturer’s recommendations, and consider alternative microwave-safe options if unsure about the compatibility of your pottery. With proper care and attention, you can enjoy the convenience of using pottery in the microwave while ensuring the longevity and safety of both your pottery and your microwave oven.

Disclaimer: This blog post is intended for informational purposes only. The information provided is based on research and general knowledge about pottery and microwave safety. It is always recommended to follow the specific guidelines and recommendations provided by pottery manufacturers and microwave oven manufacturers.


In conclusion, the question “Can pottery go in the microwave?” requires careful consideration and understanding. The composition of pottery, the operation and safety of microwave ovens, and adherence to recommended guidelines all play a crucial role in ensuring the compatibility and safety of pottery in the microwave.

Understanding the different types of pottery and their compositions, such as earthenware, stoneware, and porcelain, is essential in determining their microwave compatibility. Factors like the materials used, firing process, and glaze composition contribute to whether pottery can safely go in the microwave. It is important to look for microwave-safe labeling or symbols on pottery items or consult the manufacturer’s recommendations to ensure safe usage.

Microwave ovens operate by emitting microwaves that excite water molecules in food, generating heat. While microwave ovens are generally safe, it is important to follow precautions and guidelines to prevent accidents or damage. Avoiding the use of incompatible materials like metal or aluminum foil and adhering to manufacturer guidelines can help maintain microwave safety.

Identifying microwave-safe pottery can be done through labeling, symbols, or manufacturer recommendations. Home testing methods like the hot water test or the microwave-safe dish test can provide some insights into microwave compatibility. Professional testing services and certifications can offer more accurate assessments of microwave safety.

If uncertain about the microwave compatibility of pottery, there are alternative microwave-safe options available, such as glass, ceramic, silicone, or microwave-safe plastics. Following guidelines for reheating food in pottery and adopting safe practices as a pottery user can further ensure microwave safety.

It is important to address common concerns and questions regarding pottery in the microwave, such as the impact on pottery aesthetics, potential breakage or damage, and the release of harmful substances. By using microwave-safe pottery, following precautions, and understanding the limitations, you can enjoy the convenience of using pottery in the microwave without compromising safety.

In conclusion, the compatibility of pottery with microwaves requires careful consideration and understanding. By being informed about the composition of pottery, the operation and safety of microwave ovens, and following the recommended guidelines, you can confidently make choices that prioritize both the well-being of your pottery and your own safety. So go ahead, enjoy your favorite pottery pieces in the microwave, or explore alternative microwave-safe options to enhance your culinary experiences. Stay safe, and may your microwave and pottery coexist harmoniously in your kitchen!

Disclaimer: This blog post is intended for informational purposes only. The information provided is based on research and general knowledge about pottery and microwave safety. It is always recommended to follow the specific guidelines and recommendations provided by pottery manufacturers and microwave oven manufacturers.

Final Thoughts on the Topic “Can Pottery Go in the Microwave?”

The topic of whether pottery can go in the microwave is one that raises important considerations for pottery enthusiasts and users. While pottery can add beauty and functionality to our kitchens, it is crucial to prioritize safety and understand the compatibility of pottery with microwave ovens.

Throughout this blog post, we have explored the composition of pottery, the operation and safety of microwave ovens, the identification of microwave-safe pottery, testing methods, alternative options, and precautions for using pottery in the microwave. By delving into these aspects, we have aimed to provide a comprehensive understanding of the topic and equip you with the knowledge to make informed decisions.

It is important to remember that not all pottery is suitable for microwave use. The type of pottery, materials used, firing process, and glaze composition all contribute to its compatibility with microwaves. Checking for microwave-safe labeling or symbols on pottery items, following manufacturer recommendations, and employing testing methods can help ensure the safety of using pottery in the microwave.

If uncertain about the microwave compatibility of pottery or to exercise caution, there are alternative microwave-safe options available, such as glass, ceramic, silicone, or microwave-safe plastics. These alternatives offer convenience and peace of mind when it comes to heating or cooking food in the microwave.

Additionally, taking precautions when using pottery in the microwave, following guidelines for reheating food, and adopting safe practices as a pottery user are essential for maintaining microwave safety. By being mindful of temperature changes, handling pottery with care, and regularly inspecting for any signs of damage, you can ensure the longevity of your pottery and prevent accidents or injuries.

In conclusion, the compatibility of pottery with microwaves requires careful consideration and understanding. Prioritizing safety and following recommended guidelines are key to enjoying the convenience of using pottery in the microwave. Remember to always consult the manufacturer’s recommendations and guidelines for your specific pottery items.

We hope that this comprehensive blog post has provided valuable insights and answered your questions regarding the topic of pottery in the microwave. By applying the knowledge gained, you can confidently use pottery in the microwave or explore alternative microwave-safe options, enhancing your culinary experiences while ensuring your safety and the longevity of your pottery.

Disclaimer: This blog post is intended for informational purposes only. The information provided is based on research and general knowledge about pottery and microwave safety. It is always recommended to follow the specific guidelines and recommendations provided by pottery manufacturers and microwave oven manufacturers.